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articles:salameh: 18 Hits
ummaries allowing the reader to comment and rate. They also consider blogs as a mixture between persons ... blogs which are authored by multiple authors and they are a good resources for discussion about events ... ose pages acts like a homepage for the references they contain. Although the contents of these pages can... posted on it in a reverse chronologically way and they are dynamic because of the easiness of posting an
articles:ibrahim: 5 Hits
belonging and attachment to each other. Of course they are meant to aggregate people, but they also dominate the aggregation of information and other resou... dispersed and interact in a virtual environment. They usually share common purpose, supported by a part... updated, allows people to connect with those that they know through leaving messages and joining circle
articles:kosta: 5 Hits
that here users are not just static viewers, but they participate in this process by offering their ind... e wiki tools to provide students a platform where they can participate in group projects. The unique fea... vironment, but for and with their peers. As such, they promote collective authoring which inherently ent... 2007) present a wiki –platform called RikiWiki. They describe this tool as a reuse-oriented wiki with
articles:asma: 5 Hits
e place through website rather than face to face, they use tagging, commenting and online messaging for ... on (Facebook 2011)</html> * Add Description: They can add the description of the media. The additio... view the contents stored on server. * Comment: They can post the comments on whole or part of media c... hin a group, and multimedia is the medium for how they connect and transfer information. As such, text-o
introduction: 3 Hits
f social relations with other like minded people. They also define virtual communities as accumulated so... erience which is “Sense of Community” (SOC) which they define as the feeling that members have of belong... c, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse the
wiki:syntax: 2 Hits
n entity (640x480), 'single' and "double quotes". They can be turned off through a [[doku>config:typogra... ''%%:::%%'' into the cells below the one to which they should connect. ^ Heading 1 ^ Heading 2
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