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wiki:syntax: 34 Hits
es. Simply have a look at the source of this page by pressing "Edit this page". If you want to try som... a paragraph, you can use two backslashes followed by a whitespace or the end of line. This is some te... nly recognized at the end of a line\\ or followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. This... y recognized at the end of a line\\ or followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. You sh
articles:salameh: 24 Hits
ommonly, blogs are written and closely associated by a single author. A typical blog articles may con... wo types: * Community blogs which are authored by multiple authors and they are a good resources fo... products. * Personal blogs which are authored by one person, also known as individual blogs and co... tructure just like the World Wide Web, explicitly by links from one blog to another and/or by comments
articles:kosta: 23 Hits
aeed & Yang, 2008). Wikis were first introduced by Ward Cunningham as a platform for exchanging kno... tic viewers, but they participate in this process by offering their individual knowledge about a gener... ke tools include the simple wiki-syntax supported by a plethora of easy-to-use editors that simplify ... to roll back changes that were made to wiki pages by storing all previous versions of the content. As
articles:ibrahim: 19 Hits
ent. They usually share common purpose, supported by a particular technology and are subsequently guided by the same norms and policies. Due to the variant ... us field of endeavor, which are mostly determined by factors of sociability and usability. This resear... llage. ==== 3.1 Electronic mail ==== Developed by ARPAnet in 1972, as the pioneer conduit by which
articles:asma: 12 Hits
social network portal, where people are connected by their common interests on certain types of images... ated fashion. We can categorize online multimedia by integration creation, manipulation, presentation,... Sites: ==== There are many activities performed by users on media sharing site called supported mani... tion, focused sharing and enhancement of contents by non-owner. * Fragmentation: It allows a user to
introduction: 4 Hits
traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. The nature and nomencla... etworking sites (SNS) have become the major media by which people develop their personal network onlin... ,share and view videos as well as photos, created by other users. Users can upload or view videos absolutely free of cost by websites like You Tube and Flickr. With advanced
activities:meetings: 1 Hits
ed. The sub-headings, fonts etc and it was agreed by all members to use three (3) level sub-heading in
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